What Happened to Bishop Briggs Sister Kate Mclaughlin?

April 2024 · 3 minute read

The renowned songstress Bishop Briggs, celebrated for her soul-stirring melodies such as “River” and “Champion,” was blessed with a sibling sister. What befell her sister? Continue perusing to uncover all the essential details about Bishop’s physical health, both past and present.

What Happened to the Sister of Bishop Briggs?

In 2021, at 30, Bishop Briggs’ sister succumbed to ovarian cἀncer. Briggs, whose given name is Sarah Grace McLaughlin, is two years older than Kate McLaughlin. The summer before she pἀssed away, she was told she had cἀncer.

In the wake of her tragic loss, the Season 9 star of The Masked Singer has pondered her feelings of loss and anguish via introspection and the creation of songs like “High Water” and “Art of Survival.”

Briggs wrote, “I miss you,” alongside many crying emojis, when she uploaded a series of home films she had made with her sister to Instagram in January 2021. After two years of mourning, Briggs returned to Instagram in February 2023.

Briggs wrote-

“I hate that I feel like I’m being consistently bombarded with all kinds of memories and smells and feelings that surround her pἀssing when she led such a full life. We led such a full life together.”

She then reflected on getting pregnant and wondering how she would learn to raise her child without her sister.

“Who would my kids go to for that different perspective other than my own? Who would teach them about Ayurvedic medicine? Who would make them laugh till their stomach hurt? Who would teach them how to bake? And then there’s me! Who would I call when I felt overwhelmed?”

After Her Sisters Died, She Sought Depression Treatment- In July of 2022, Bishop Briggs documented the pἀssing of her sister in Nylon. She noted how her mental and physical health had declined due to her loss.

 “When I lost my older sister, Kate, to ovarian cancer last year, I remember how, in the dark one night, I typed into my phone, ‘I want to kill myself. What should I do?’” Briggs confessed. “I felt trapped in my brain, fearful that if I shared these thoughts with anyone, even mental health professionals, I would not be met with the compassion I needed.”

Briggs continued, explaining how she finally got around to seeing a doctor after her mother insisted she do so. After some time, she and her husband sat together and discussed her poor mental state. Briggs sought counseling and began taking medicines for her depression.

she continued by saying the following statement-

“I think when you’re so deep in the dark, you forget that medication is even an option.I also found solace in online communities — to hear that I wasn’t alone in my grief and that there were tangible steps that I could take toward living. That was a game-changer.”

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