Well, she did say she had to cut the “crap” out of her diet! Kaley Cuoco sat down with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show on Thursday, Sept. 17, to chat about her sizzling Shape magazine cover — and the road to a toned tummy wasn’t an easy one, the Big Bang Theory star revealed.
“All I ate was, like, almonds for so long,” she said of her diet. “I was so hungry.”
Asked how she prepared for the shoot, in which she shows off flat abs and lean legs in a white briefs and a dress shirt, Cuoco, 29, said her diet consisted of “egg whites, almonds, air.”
The actress added, “they told me I was going to be on the cover a year ago, so I had a lot of time to prepare. Nothing gets you more in shape than being on the cover of Shape,” she quipped with a laugh.
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In an interview with the magazine, Cuoco discussed how her eating habits have evolved over time, especially when it comes to late-night snacking.
“As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had to change my food intake,” she said. “My husband, Ryan [Sweeting, a professional tennis player], eats so much. When we first got married, it was so much fun to eat like him. We got into this habit we called the bedtime snack. The drawers next to the bed were filled with candy. Eventually, I realized it was mindless eating.”
Added the actress, “I was just doing it because he was doing it, and it was adding hundreds of calories I didn’t even think about. So I cut that out. Our refrigerator and pantry have completely changed, because we don’t eat crap anymore. No more soda, chips, cereal; we had boxes of stuff that only a 4-year-old would eat.”