It was revealed on RAW this past Monday that Seth Rollins is dealing with a back injury, and it was what Shinsuke Nakamura whispered to him last week. How true is Rollins' back injury?
Nakamura had an intense segment with Rollins last week on RAW, with the Japanese superstar getting the upper hand. He caught the World Heavyweight Champion off guard after he whispered something to him before hitting the Kinshasa.
On this week's RAW, Nakamura explained that he knows about Rollins' back injury and went on to have one of his best promos in WWE. The Visionary later acknowledged the injury in an interview, revealing that he has been dealing with it for four years.
According to Steve Carrier of Ringside News, Rollins' back injury is "semi-real," and his back is "banged up." However, it's not as bad as it was being portrayed on television, and it's not anything serious.
Seth Rollins is set to defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Shinsuke Nakamura at Payback. Rollins and Nakamura will also go face-to-face next week on RAW in Memphis.
Seth Rollins comments about his back injury
Seth Rollins has been WWE's workhorse over the past two years. He's been durable for most of his career, with the exception of a knee injury that required surgery when he was the WWE Champion in 2015.
In a backstage interview on RAW, Rollins opened up about his back injury and how it affects his career.
"I do have 2 fractures in my lumbar spine," Rollins said. "I have been living with that injury for over four years and it does not get better by itself. As a matter of fact, it gets worse. The truth is I don’t know what the endgame is, I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to do this at the level I'm currently running at."Seth Rollins has been the World Heavyweight Champion since May 27, when he defeated Finn Balor at Night of Champions. On the other hand, Shinsuke Nakamura is still looking for his first world title since joining WWE in 2016.
Who do you think will be the World Heavyweight Championship after Payback? Share your answers in the comments section below.
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