Golf is a very popular game, and the fact that more and more people are interested in it shows just how popular it is. The golfers themselves are the center of attention, but the caddies play an equally important role. They make sure the game goes smoothly by moving the players' clubs, giving the players advice, and pointing them in the right direction.
Caddies have made a lot of money over the course of their careers. This is because they are smart and work hard. This post will delve deeper into the lives of the five golf caddies who are the richest in the world.
#5. Paul Tesori
Most people on the PGA Tour agree that Paul Tesori is one of the best caddies. Webb Simpson is widely considered one of the best players on tour. Since 2011, Tesori has been Simpson's primary collaborator, and the assistance he has provided has been absolutely essential to Simpson's success.
Tesori is reportedly among the highest-earning caddies, since he makes over $500,000 annually. Many people believe that Tesori and Simpson are among the best golfer-caddie duos in the sport. That's because they have won a significant number of games together since they started playing together.
#4. Tim Mickelson
Tim Mickelson is one of the best caddies in the annals of golf's long and illustrious history. Phil Mickelson is widely regarded as one of the game's all-time greats. Tim has played an important role in his brother's professional life ever since the two of them started working together in 2017.
Tim, who earns approximately $550,000 per year, is said to be one of the highest-paid caddies in the world, according to a number of different estimates. Since Tim has been a part of his brother's team, Phil's record of victories suggests that his time spent as a caddy has been among the most successful in recent history.
#3. Michael Greller
Jordan Spieth is a highly regarded golfer. His caddie, Michael Greller, is thought to be one of the best in the game. Since 2011, Greller and Spieth have been playing together, and over that time, they have achieved remarkable success.
Greller is consistently ranked as one of the best-paid golf caddies in the world. He earns more than $665,00 per year. The team of Greller and Spieth has already had some big wins, and it looks like they will have even more success together.
#2. Jonathan Jakovac
Jonathan Jakovac plays the role of caddy for Dustin Johnson. Since 2013, Jakovac has been an essential member of Johnson's team as a crew member.
Jakovac is said to make more than $1.2 million annually, according to sources. Johnson and Jakovac's work together has won a number of prestigious awards, making it one of the most successful golfer-caddie teams in recent years.
#1. Jimmy Johnson
Justin Thomas is one of the best golfers currently competing on the PGA Tour. It is Jimmy Johnson who serves as his caddie.
When Thomas first started competing in 2013, Johnson was there to help him out and was among the reasons he was successful. One of the highest-paid caddies in the world, Johnson reportedly brings in over $1.3 million annually, making him one of the highest-paid golf caddies in the world.
The bond between Johnson and Thomas is one of the strongest ones on the golf circuit and the top golfer has never abandoned Thomas in his time of need.
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