What does PSHx mean in medical terms?

October 2024 · 4 minute read


Open in a new window if necessary. PMHx is an abbreviation for patient medical history; PSHx is an abbreviation for prior surgical history; NKDA is an abbreviation for no known drug allergies.

Another issue is, what does the abbreviation PSHx mean?

• PMHx Previous Medical History. • PSHx Previous Surgical Background. • SHx & FHx Social and Family History information • Medications and pharmaceutical allergies, among other things • NKDA indicates that there are no known drug allergies.

Second, what are some of the acronyms for medical terminology that you are familiar with?

 A – Abbreviations used in the medical field

a.c.: Immediately before meals. As in, taking a medication before eating a meal.

The albumin to globulin ratio is abbreviated as a/g.

ACL is an abbreviation for anterior cruciate ligament.

Ad lib: You’re free to express yourself.

Acute renal failure (AFR) is a medical condition in which the kidneys fail suddenly.

ADHD is an abbreviation for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

ADR is an abbreviation for adverse drug response.

AIDS is an abbreviation for acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

Consequently, the issue is: what does PMHx signify in medical terminology?

Abbreviation. PMHx is an abbreviation for PMHx (medicine) Medical history from the past. (Medicine) The medical history of the patient.

What does the abbreviation H&P mean in medical terms?

H and P: This is a medical abbreviation for history and physical examination, which refers to the first clinical assessment and examination of the patient.

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In medicine, what is the medical abbreviation for the word symptom?

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Which of these words is an acronym for anaemia?

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Is it possible to tell what the medical acronym OD means?

OD is defined in medical terms (lens prescription) OD (oculus dexter prescription) is an abbreviation for “oculus dexter” (lens prescription). “Right eye” is a Latin expression. Due to the fact that the right hand is often more skilled than the left, the terms “dexterity” and “dextrous” are derived from the word “dexter.” OS is an abbreviation for “oculus sinister,” which translates as “left eye” in Latin.

What is medical jargon and how does it work?

Medico-legal terminology is a kind of vocabulary that is used to describe the human body in detail, including its constituent parts, processes, conditions affecting the body, and treatments done on the body. The roots, prefixes, and suffixes are often derived from Greek or Latin, and they are frequently extremely distinct from their English-language counterparts in terms of pronunciation.

What exactly is the H&P test?

The written History and Physical (H&P) is useful for a variety of reasons. At the time of admission, it serves as a crucial reference record, providing brief information regarding a patient’s medical history and physical examination results. It is a method of communicating information to all of the healthcare professionals who are involved in the care of a specific patient or group of patients.
